Snow & Ice Removal
For both Comercial & Residential areas.

Plant Food
Available upon clients request

Available upon clients request

Gutter Cleaning
This is done twice in one year.

Fall Lawn Renovation
From beginning of September to the end of October.

Spring Clean Up
Approx begins from the end of March to the end of April.

Weekly Maintenance
Approx from end of April till the end of October.

Clients choice of mulch delivered and spread through shrub beds

Top Soil
Is a great way to provide the necessary nutrients for plants to survive (available upon clients request)

Trimming/ Trimming Shrubs
Approx starts from the end of June to the end of August.

Fall Leaf Clean Up
Approx end of October to beginning of December.
About Andrade's

Landscaping. I worked for the company, Waterfall
Landscaping, for over 20 years.
I emigrated to the United States more than 27 years ago. Like many immigrants full of dreams, dreams that are not always easy to fulfill, I worked in factories and restaurants until one day I decided to work in landscaping. I realized that this job kept me close to nature and I have been dedicated to the practice ever since.